ISO 9001. Quality Management Systems – Requirements (ISO 9001:2015)
Title of the Standard:
ISO 9001. Quality management systems – Requirements (ISO 9001:2015).
Category of the Standard:
Quality management systems
Short Description:
This International Standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system when an organisation:
– needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that satisfy customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
– aims to increase customer satisfaction through effective application of the system, including processes for system improvement and assurance of conformity with customer and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. All requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organisations, regardless of their type or size, or the products and services provided.
Relation to the Industry 5.0:
Often the customers themselves require compliance with certain regulations such as this one, which is also integrated into a complete management system and which is also passed on to our suppliers, and which are closely related to Industry 5.0. Many of the concepts related to Industry 5.0 are already included in the internal management of the company under these standards, although we are considering extending them with the ideas of this project, as options for improvement. In some cases, there are already indicators for monitoring the company’s objectives and goals, which coincide with the three main lines of action of this project. All of this orients the company towards an operation and management that leads to continuous improvement in various aspects:
– Within the group of ‘Human Centrity’ KPIs are already considered within the ISO 9001 Quality Management in an internal people management process. Aspects centred on people (their well-being, satisfaction, training, participation, etc.).
– Finally, aspects related to ‘Industrial Resilience’ (continuous improvement, standardisation, redesign, compliance with regulations, etc.) are part of the internal processes (design, manufacturing and transport, document management, continuous improvement, etc.) of ISO 9001 (Quality Management).
Link to the Standard:
ISO 9001:2015 Standard (https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/en/#iso:std:iso:9001:ed-5:v1:en)
Organization/Body Issuing the Standard:
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